Training/Employment Service

There are 66 programs in the Training/Employment Service Category.

ABC Northern California (ABC NorCal Apprentice Opportunities)
Eligibility: Must be 18 years old (or 17 with parent signature)Have a high school diploma or GEDNo diploma or GED required for Craft Laborer Apprentice program
Fees: No fee for tuition

ABC NorCal Apprentice Opportunities is approved by the State of California and the U.S. Department of Labor. They offer apprenticeship programs in five trades: CarpentryConstruction craft laborerElectricalPaintingPlumbingThe program is funded by various private and public sources.

ABC Northern California (ABC NorCal Apprentice Opportunities)
Eligibility: Must be 18 years old (or 17 with parent signature)Have a high school diploma or GEDNo diploma or GED required for Craft Laborer Apprentice program
Fees: No fee for tuition

ABC NorCal Apprentice Opportunities is approved by the State of California and the U.S. Department of Labor. They offer apprenticeship programs in five trades: CarpentryConstruction craft laborerElectricalPaintingPlumbingThe program is funded by various private and public sources.

CalAsian (Small Business Development Center (SBDC))
Eligibility: None
Fees: All consulting is free and confidential. Low-cost and free training sessions.

CalAsian's Small Business Development Center (SBDC) helps new and existing small business owners with financial, marketing, production, organization, and technical issues. The staff, consultants and volunteers provide up-to-date consulting, training and research assistance in all aspects of business management and start-up. SBDC also serves as a resource center, providing information and referrals for small business owners.For a complete listing of workshops and services offered, visit the SBD...

California Conservation Corps (CCC) (Delta Center)
Eligibility: Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 25 years old and a California residentApplicants must be able to pass fingerprint and background checks, physical exams, and drug tests, be willing and ab...
Fees: None

California Conservation Corps (CCC) offers young adults (ages 18 to 25) paid work experience and the opportunity to protect and enhance California's natural resources and communities. During their year of service, Corpsmembers receive a monthly stipend. They work on environmental projects and also respond to state and federal disasters. The CCC offers a wide range of job training including firefighting, flood response, trail building, and culinary, among others. Applicants have an opportunity to...

California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (Adult Parole Operations)
Eligibility: Parolees in San Joaquin, Amador, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Merced and Mariposa Counties.
Fees: None

California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation - Division of Adult Parole Operations offers the following services for parolees currently under Adult Parole Supervision:Parolee Outpatient Clinic: provides therapy to those with a documented history of psychological issues. The clinic has a staff which includes a psychiatrist, psychologist and psychiatric social workers.Community Based: places parolees that have failed to benefit from less restrictive treatment programs into a community ba...

California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (Computer Literacy Learning Center)
Eligibility: Parolees in San Joaquin, Amador, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne and Merced counties.
Fees: None

Computer Literacy Learning Center (CLLC) offers a computer-assisted instructional program designed to increase the literacy skills of parolees, resulting in increased employability and parolee success. They are located within parole offices. Teachers provide classroom instruction which focuses on basic proficiency in reading, writing and math skills. Students are placed in the CLLC according to their ability and proceed at their own pace, receiving training in life skills and employment compet...

California Department of Rehabilitation (Vocational Services)
Eligibility: Clients must have documented disabilities.
Fees: None

California Department of Rehabilitation assists Californians with disabilities to obtain and retain employment and maximize their ability to live independently in their communities. Eligible individuals are assisted in finding employment and/or independent living. Vocational training and counseling are also available.California Department of Rehabilitation works in partnership with consumers and others to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living, and equality f...

California National Guard (Discovery Challenge Academy)
Eligibility: Youth ages 16 to 18 years old who are behind in credits or at risk of not graduating high school
Fees: None

Discovery Challenge Academy is part of the California National Guard and is a five-and-a-half-month residential credit recovery program with a quasi-military aspect. During the academy, students will earn 65 high school credits, serve at least 40-hours of community service, and compete for scholarships. Every student will focus on the following Eight Core Components: Academic ExcellenceLeadership/FollowershipHealth and HygienePhysical FitnessService to CommunityJob SkillsLife-Coping Skills and...

Central Valley Training Center, Inc. (CVTC)
Eligibility: Must have a qualifying developmental disability and may be a Regional Center client Referrals are also accepted by local school districts’ special education departments
Fees: Fees are paid by the Regional Center or School District; private pay may be negotiated upon request.

Central Valley Training Center, Inc. (CVTC) strives to integrate services for people with developmental disabilities by promoting their rights and supporting each individual in acquiring the skills needed to achieve their personal goals. CVTC offers the Day Program which provides self-advocacy, community integration and employment training.

City of Stockton (Equal Employment Commission)
Eligibility: Stockton residents who are registered to vote.
Fees: None

Equal Employment Commission reviews city-wide (City of Stockton) functions such as recruitment, testing and selection processes, identifies areas of special concern, and assists in the development of recruitment policies to encourage equal and promotion opportunities for minorities, women, disabled and other members of underrepresented groups. The Commission also reviews the Equal Employment Plan and makes periodic reports and/or recommendations to the Civil Service Commission, City Council and...

Community Partnership for Families of San Joaquin (Lodi Family Resource Center)
Eligibility: Provide Families in San Joaquin County tools, resources, programs and partnerships to improve quality of their lives.
Fees: None

Lodi Family Resource Center is a family-friendly center that seeks to improve the lives of children and families in an impoverished, limited-resource, minimally educated neighborhood that is home to primarily low-income, Hispanic, Pakistani, Indian and Afghan working families.Lodi Family Resource Center partners with a comprehensive team of public and private organizations to meet the distinct needs of families living in this community, including:California Human DevelopmentSan Joaquin Count...

Community Partnership for Families of San Joaquin (San Joaquin Bridge Academy )
Eligibility: Must be 18 years old or older A CalFresh recipient for selfMust have a legal right to work in the United StatesBe a San Joaquin County resident
Fees: None

San Joaquin Bridge Academy offers an 18-month employment and training program. Resource and refferals are provided to the family. Other supportive services include transportation assistance, financial counseling, and funding for training and work expenses.

Eckerd Connects
Eligibility: Program eligibility includes services for individuals who are low-income or face barriers to entering post-secondary education and/or obtaining and retaining employment. Eligible individuals include b...
Fees: None

Eckerd Connects Youth program provides employment, training and career guidance services for in-and out-of-school youth 16 to 24 years old residing in the San Joaquin County.Eckerd Connects provides the following services:Paid incentives for completion of program goalsHigh school completion or GED assistanceCareer exploration opportunitiesPostsecondary and job site field tripsResume building, application, and job search assistancePaid work experienceSupportive servicesFinancial, educational, and...

Emergency Food Bank Stockton/San Joaquin County
Eligibility: Bring current identification with proof of address in San Joaquin County. If ID is not current, bring additional proof of current San Joaquin County address (gas, electric, cable TV, or telephone bil...
Fees: None

Emergency Food Bank Stockton/San Joaquin County, founded in 1968, is the largest direct provider of packaged emergency food in San Joaquin County. The mission of the Emergency Food Bank is to build a stronger community by providing a safety net of food, nutrition and health education, job training, and hope to residents of San Joaquin County who find themselves in an emergency situation.Emergency Food Bank emphasizes health, nutrition, food economics, and education; and provides classes in nutr...

Employment Development Department (Youth Employment Opportunity Program (YEOP))
Eligibility: Youth Employment Opportunity Program (YEOP) assists youth 15- to 25-years old that are at risk of dropping out of school or have dropped out of school due to having and/or being one or more of the fol...
Fees: None

Youth Employment Opportunity Program (YEOP) emphasizes education and additionally provides the following services: peer advising, resume building, job application assistance, mock interviews, career outlook and skills assessment, and college financial aid assistance. The YEOP also supplies referrals to supportive services, job leads, training, and volunteer opportunities.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Eligibility: None
Fees: Vary

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40-years old or older), disability, or genetic information. It is also illegal to discriminate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or part...

Family Resource Center
Eligibility: Residents of San Joaquin County.
Fees: Sliding scale for subsized child care

Family Resource Center is a non-profit organization that focus on quality childcare services for all parents, childcare providers, and children of San Joaquin County and the surrounding areas and providing child development and parenting education, nutrition classes, and health and safety training.Services include:Childcare assistanceChildcare referrals First 5 ProgramsPreschool ProgramInformation and training for individuals interested in becoming licensed family childcare providersWorkshops an...

Family Resource Center (FamilyWORKs)
Eligibility: CalWORKs recipients with children 3 years old or younger.
Fees: None

FamilyWORKs provides a home visitation program that matches families with trained professionals who conduct personal home visits. The program includes supporting the Raising a Reader family literacy program, child developmental screenings, and health insurance screenings. Services provided by Parent Coaches. Uses the Parent as Teacher (PAT) curriculum.The program includes:Preparation for child success in schoolParents support group meetings and community resourcesJobs searching toolsParticipants...

Federal Bonding Program
Eligibility: Any at-risk job applicant is eligible for bonding services, including: ex-offenders, recovering substance abusers (alcohol or drugs), welfare recipients and other persons having poor financial credit,...
Fees: None

In 1966 the U.S. Department of Labor established The Federal Bonding Program to provide Fidelity Bonds that guarantee honesty for “at-risk,” hard-to-place job seekers. The bonds cover the first six months of employment. There is no cost to the job applicant or the employer. In most states the bonds are made available through the state agency responsible for workforce matters. The Federal Bonding Program is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Labor and The McLaughlin Company, an insuran...

Good Samaritan Service Center
Eligibility: Low-income resident of San Joaquin County. Must bring photo identification for head of household and Social Security Cards for each member of household.
Fees: None

Good Samaritan Service Center provides food and clothing for low-income individuals in need. Referrals to shelters, low-income housing, other food banks, employment listings and free medical care is also offered. Their goal is to provide the basic needs for today and the necessary training for tomorrow.

Goodwill Industries of San Joaquin Valley, Inc.
Eligibility: Those with barriers to employment
Fees: None

Goodwill Industries of San Joaquin Valley, Inc. is a non-profit agency that provides employment and training opportunities to assist people with employment barriers to become self-sufficient, working members of our community. Goodwill Industries of San Joaquin Valley, Inc. offers:on-the-job trainingsoft skills development workshopspaid work experience Goodwill Industries of San Joaquin Valley, Inc. has 14 retail thrift stores throughout the San Joaquin Valley, an outlet in Stockton, CA and an o...

Greater Valley Conservation Corps (San Joaquin County Office of Education )
Eligibility: Ages 18 to 26 years old Fingerprint/ background check (On Graduates ONLY)California ID and Social Security Card
Fees: None

Greater Valley Conservation Corps (GVCC) hires youth between the ages of 18 and 26 to provide natural resource, recycling and conservation services throughout five counties.Their purpose is to inspire, educate, and serve local youth and communities by providing opportunities to practice a strong work ethic and environmental stewardship. GVCC is an "Earn While You Learn" program whereas their members are provided with education, industry recognized certifications, postsecondary assistance, hands-...

GRID Alternatives (Home Solar Program)
Eligibility: GRID Alternatives is a California-based nonprofit organization that makes renewable energy technology accessible to underserved communities. The organization brings solar at no cost to income-qualifie...
Fees: None

The goal of GRID Alternatives is to help families save on your electricity bills, helping to alleviate your financial burdens while reducing your carbon footprint. The beneficiaries of the program typically save 60% or more on their electric bill. Each solar installation also provides hands-on solar training for volunteers and job trainees while spreading clean, renewable energy in the communities that need it the most.To make these projects possible, GRID Alternatives partners with local govern...

Hedy Holmes Staffing Services
Eligibility: None
Fees: None

Hedy Holmes Staffing Services specializes in permanent and temporary employment placement. They also assist those individuals post-release/re-entry seeking employment. Other locations: Lodi: 911 Industrial Way, Suite DTracy: 324 East 11th Street, Suite A-1Modesto: 1620 North Carpenter Road, Suite C-22

Mary Magdalene Community Services
Eligibility: None
Fees: Vary by program.

Mary Magdalene Community Services offers services to adults, youths and children. Adult services include crisis intervention and referrals, transitional housing and case management, job skills, resume writing, and outreach. Services for youth and children include counseling, case management, and teen mentoring through the "My Brother's Keeper" program. Parenting classes and substance abuse classes are offered through court referrals.

NorCal Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Stockton/Modesto)
Eligibility: Deaf or hard-of-hearing residents of San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Alpine, Amador, Tuolumne and Calaveras County.
Fees: None

NorCal Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing-Stockton/Modesto provides services to deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, late deafened and developmentally disabled deaf/hard of hearing individuals who are without access to community services due to linguistic and cultural barriers. This program also serves individuals with a history or tendency of abuse and emotional crisis centered around the family. All services are provided in the communication mode preferred by the client including sign langu...

People Ready
Eligibility: Anyone seeking temporary/permanent employment.
Fees: None

PeopleReady provides job placement assistance to those seeking employment. They also provide assistance to those seeking employment after being incarcerated.

Sacramento Job Corps
Eligibility: Ages 16 to 24 years old and qualify as low-income. Please call or visit website for other eligibility requirements.
Fees: None

Job Corps is the nation's largest and most comprehensive residential education and job training program for at-risk youth. Since 1964, the program has provided more than two million disadvantaged young people with the integrated academic, vocational, and social skills training they need to gain independence and get quality, long-term jobs or further their education.Job Corps is a public-private partnership, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. Job Corps works for everyone. It works for...

Safety Council
Eligibility: Courses require the ability to read, write and understand spoken English in order to understand course content and instructor directions while on heavy equipment, and to pass written competency exams....
Fees: Vary by class.

Safety Council offers private training for businesses and open-enrollment community courses that are open to the public. Safety Council offers the following training programs:Connection to Mature Driver Safety (Online) for senior driver insurance discountsDUI ProgramsForklift Operational Training provides the training card required by many employers to apply for warehouse and other job positions. The training meets OSHA requirements for basic training on a sit-down forklift and includes...

San Joaquin Building Trades Council
Eligibility: Eligibility varies depending on trade chosen.
Fees: Vary

San Joaquin Building Trades Council offers apprenticeships in construction careers. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. For additional information, please visit website.

San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) (Career Technical Education Center )
Eligibility: Enrolled in high school and if under the age of 16 years, have a comprehensive high school plan on file with the student’s counselor.
Fees: No tuition. Books, supplies and material fees may be applicable.

SJCOE Career Technical Education Center (CTE) provides students with quality career preparation and technical education training to successfully enter the workforce. Students receive necessary occupational and employability skills that translate into rewarding careers. ...

San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) (Come Back Kids)
Eligibility: Must be 18 years old or older If 18 to 19 years old, you must have attempted your senior year of high school
Fees: None

Come Back Kids (CBK) is a free program offered through the San Joaquin County Office of Education that can help adults 18 years old and older earn their high school diploma. The program is flexible to meet the needs and schedules of adult learners by providing online coursework combined with classroom instruction. Students are issued Chromebooks for academic use. CBK also provides students with career readiness opportunities, counseling, along with staff guidance and support.Come Back Kids (CBK)...

San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) (WorkStartYES (Youth Education and Employment Services))
Eligibility: Please see below.
Fees: None

SJCOE WorkStartYES (Youth Education and Employment Services) program is a joint partnership program between San Joaquin County WorkNet and the San Joaquin County Office of Education under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The WorkStartYES mission is to empower youth to achieve and maintain academic, occupational, and leadership success. These services are available to those not attending any secondary or post-secondary school not including Title II Adult Education, ages 16 to ...

San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) (YouthBuild San Joaquin)
Eligibility: Youth ages 18-24 years old in need of a high school diploma
Fees: None

SJCOE YouthBuild San Joaquin program provides nine-month training that is a federally funded partnership between the San Joaquin County Office of Education and Stocktonians Taking Action to Neutralize Drugs. Their mission is to assist undereducated and unemployed young adults, ages 18 to 24 years, to work toward completion of a high school diploma. They also learn construction skills while building and/or renovating affordable housing, develop leadership skills by becoming involved in their com...

San Joaquin County WorkNet (CalWORKs Assessment Counselor)
Eligibility: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) clients who are enrolled in the CalWORKs Program of the San Joaquin Human Services Agency can be referred to WorkNet Experience (WEx) or Community Service...
Fees: None

CalWORKs Assessment Counselors in the WorkNet Employment Preparation Division provides the work experience and community service activities to clients referred through the CalWORKs Program of the Human Services Agency, to comply with the mandated program and explore job opportunities at WorkNet's One Stop Centers. During the summer, WorkNet may also be contracted by Human Services Agency to run a Summer Youth Employment and Training Program. Outreach is conducted county-wide to promote this prog...

San Joaquin County WorkNet (Center Services)
Eligibility: None for core services. Contact a WorkNet center to learn about the eligibility requirements for individualized career services.
Fees: None

San Joaquin County WorkNet Center Services provide job search assistance and the necessary tools needed to obtain employment. Staff members are available to assist customers with all of their job search needs. WorkNet services include:internet accessCalJOBSjob matchinglabor market informationtraining and education informationcareer counselingcommunity resourcesapplication and resume writing assistancefax and telephone access for job search purposes.Youth may qualify for additional services throu...

San Joaquin County WorkNet (Employment and Training)
Eligibility: Vary by program
Fees: None

San Joaquin County WorkNet is a full service center where individuals can receive assistance with employment and training needs. Centers are equipped with computers, phones, fax and all the necessary resources to help with your employment needs. Workshop for Job Readiness are available for enrolled individuals.Please visit their website: for more information.WorkNet Centers:Stockton WorkNet Center, 6221 West Lane, Suite 105 Stockton (209) 468-3660Manteca WorkNet Center, 227...

San Joaquin County WorkNet (Job Readiness/Employment Works (EWORKS)
Eligibility: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) clients who are enrolled in the CalWORKs Program of the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency (HSA) can be referred to WorkNet Work Experience (WEx) or...
Fees: None

San Joaquin County WorkNet provides the work experience and community service activities to clients referred through the CalWORKs Program of the Human Services Agency; in order to comply with the mandated program and explore job opportunities at WorkNet's One Stop Centers.Note: During the summer, WorkNet may also be contracted by Human Services Agency to run a Summer Youth Employment and Training Program. Outreach is conducted county-wide to promote this program to all TANF households....

San Joaquin Delta College
Eligibility: None
Fees: Free tuition for first-time, full-time college students, and for students meeting certain income critera. $46 per unit for others. Many scholarships and other financial aid opportunities are available...

San Joaquin Delta College is at the forefront of job training, retraining, and high-tech jobs of the future in the Central Valley and the foothills. Established in 1963, the College serves over 20,000 students at its campuses in Stockton and Mountain House, as well as online and at satellite centers. Students can earn an associate degree and transfer to a university, saving thousands of dollars in tuition. Another option is students can be trained in over 100 career and degree certificate progra...

San Joaquin Delta College (CalWORKs)
Eligibility: Must be a student at San Joaquin Delta College and receiving TANF/cash aid assistance from the Human Services Agency (HSA).
Fees: None

San Joaquin Delta College CalWORKs program’s mission is to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals. Following is a description of the services they offer:Intake: They assist students with admission applications and provide an overview of Delta College CalWORKs services.Needs Assessment: They provide initial and ongoing resource referrals. Students are given the most current edition of the CalWORKs Community Connections Resource Directory. Various workshops aimed at prepa...

San Joaquin Delta College (CalWORKs Assessment)
Eligibility: Must be a San Joaquin County CalWORKs participant and be referred by a CalWORKs case manager.
Fees: None

San Joaquin Delta College CalWORKs Assessment is contracted by the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency to conduct assessments of individuals receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and participating in the San Joaquin County CalWORKs Program. The assessments help determine an individual's career interests, skills, cognitive abilities and facilitate his or her career and job planning. CalWORKs Assessment also provides learning disability evaluations by referral.

San Joaquin Delta College (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education Program (CARE))
Eligibility: To be considered for CARE, Delta College students must meet the following criteria: Eligible for the Extended Opportunity Program and Services program (EOPS)Be at least 18 years of ageSingle head of h...
Fees: None

Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE), is a supplemental component of EOPS that specifically offers supportive services to assist eligible single-parent Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) students in acquiring the education, training, and marketable skills needed to transition from welfare dependency to employment and eventual self-sufficiency for their families.CARE Program ServicesIn addition to EOPS services, CARE students receive assistance with:Personal developme...

San Joaquin Delta College (Counseling and Retention)
Eligibility: Must be a student at San Joaquin Delta College.
Fees: None

Counseling and Retention provides students with academic, and career counseling. Students are assisted in career exploration, the selection of an appropriate training program, and program planning. Special assistance is available to students with academic difficulties including academic and progress probation.

San Joaquin Delta College (Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS))
Eligibility: Must be a student at San Joaquin Delta College with a documented disability. Student must self-identify and submit disability verification, along with a DSPS application to DSPS to initiate services....
Fees: None

Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) provides equal access to educational opportunities for students with verified disabilities. Staff provide students with quality support services to ensure opportunities for maximum success at San Joaquin Delta College. Services include:counselingtesting accommodationsreader/note taker servicesinterpreter servicesuse of adaptive equipmentassistance with mobility on campusStudents should schedule an appointment to meet with a DSPS counselor. Pleas...

San Joaquin Delta College (Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS))
Eligibility: To be considered for EOPS, students must meet the following income and educational criteria: Be eligible for the California College Promise Grant, formerly Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver (BOGW A or ...
Fees: None

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is a unique program funded by the state of California to recruit and support students who may otherwise not attempt higher education as they work to complete certificate, associate degree or university transfer requirements.EOPS program assists participants with:Individualized counseling Priority registrationAssistance purchasing required textbooks** Access to EOPS Lending LibraryUniversity Transfer Services (including application fee ...

San Joaquin Delta College (Financial Aid and Scholarships)
Eligibility: Must be a student at San Joaquin Delta College and must meet program eligibility requirements.

Financial Aid and Scholarships Department assists students in meeting expenses associated with their education. Expenses include books, supplies, food, transportation, and housing expenses. Financial aid is available to qualifying students in the form of state and federal grants, federal work study, scholarships, student loans, and state grants. The Financial Aid and Scholarships Department also offers outreach services for potential financial aid applicants including low-income and disadvant...

San Joaquin Delta College (Independent Living Program (ILP))
Eligibility: Independent Living Program (ILP) is for current foster youth in San Joaquin County ages 16 to 21. You can join the program at any time. Fill out a registration form with the link provided and be prepa...
Fees: None

ILP is great for foster youth who want to develop the skills and confidence needed to become self-sufficient. It is Adulting 101 - from the big stuff like getting a job, applying for college, and managing a budget to everyday things like cooking, doing laundry, and changing a tire. Topics vary every year. Youth get support, resources, and extra prizes/gifts for participating in classes and activities.

San Joaquin Delta College (Irving Goleman Library)
Eligibility: Must be a student at San Joaquin Delta College.
Fees: None

San Joaquin Delta College Irving Goleman Library provides services to students, faculty and staff, including: access to a wide variety of print, non-print, and electronic resources (including off-campus access to electronic materials to Delta students, faculty and staff), bibliographic instruction, and an information literacy program that is committed to excellence in teaching students the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed for successful academic achievement and life-long learning. In ...

San Joaquin Delta College (Math & Science Learning Center)
Eligibility: Student must be currently enrolled in a math and/or science course with San Joaquin Delta College.
Fees: None

Math & Science Learning Center offers tutoring in math, science , computer science and nursing. Tutoring is conducted on a drop-in basis. Tutors are peer tutors who have taken the courses and passed with a grade of B or better. The Center also has books for classes that must be used on-site. There are 10 computers for students to utilize as well as microscopes and slides, anatomy and chemistry models, graphing and scientific calculators available for rent. The operating hours are Monday ...

San Joaquin Delta College (Mobility/Health Services)
Eligibility: Must be a student at San Joaquin Delta College with a verified disability. To receive mobility accommodations, must be a current Disabled Support Programs and Services (DSPS) student.
Fees: None

Mobility/Health Services provides mobility assistance to students with verified disabilities. Hourly use of electric scooters to students with verified disabilities who are registered with DSPS is also offered. They also issue ADA tables and chairs, as well as provide accommodation cards.The health component of the office provides blood pressure checks and basic life support by EMT’s.

San Joaquin Delta College (Student Life)
Eligibility: Must be a student at San Joaquin Delta College.
Fees: OPTIONAL student activity fee ($10) and student rep fee ($2)

San Joaquin Delta College Student Activities provides the following services:Information and support for clubsMustang PassBike lockersClub Flyer Permit approvalsClub registrationActivity/Facility reservations for clubsCampus activitiesLeadership developmentThe Student Food PantryThe Associated Students of Delta College offers:Food 4 ThoughtAssistance with the grievance of complaint processInformation about campus and community resourcesSpecial events and monthly college hour eventsFunding for st...

San Joaquin Delta College (Student-Athlete Success Program (SASP))
Eligibility: Current or prospective students interested in participating in intercollegiate athletics at San Joaquin Delta College, a two-year Community College, and a member for the 3C2A.
Fees: None

Student-Athlete Success Program (SASP) provides academic and athletic support at San Joaquin Delta College.The program, known as "The Zone," was created to supply student athletes with a dedicated study area that provides one-on-one tutoring, workshops, and computer resources. It is located on the second floor of the Budd Building in room 205B.The program assists student athletes in achieving their academic goals while participating in the athletics programs at San Joaquin Delta College. Coache...

San Joaquin Delta College (Writing Success Center)
Eligibility: Must be currently enrolled as a student at San Joaquin Delta College.
Fees: None

Writing Success Center provides the following services: one-on-one writing tutoring, writing workshops, grammar assistance, MLA, APA, and Chicago Documentation assistance, research guidance, resume development, scholarship and transfer essay assistance, and much more. The center will match students with an experienced tutor. All writing tutors have completed English 1A and 1B or 1D with an A or B, and tutors have also completed a tutor training course.On-campus tutoring services: Monday through ...

State of California (Workers Compensation Appeals Board)
Eligibility: Those age 16 years or older injured while working at a place of employment.
Fees: None

Workers Compensation Appeals Board provides medical care with rehabilitation and no deductible. While recovering, workers may be paid disability payments which are tax-free. This no-fault insurance is paid by employers and supervised by the State of California.

State of California Department of Industrial Relations (Labor Commissioner's Office)
Eligibility: Please see below.
Fees: None

Labor Commissioner's Office provides enforcement of and information on State labor laws regarding minimum wage, hours and days of work, and working conditions for San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Amador, Calaveras, Alpine and Merced Counties. The phone is often busy, so be persistent in trying to reach them. Please visit the website for more information.

State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) (State Disability Insurance (SDI))
Eligibility: Please see below.
Fees: None

State Disability Insurance (SDI) is a partial wage-replacement insurance plan for California workers. The SDI program is state-mandated and funded through employee payroll deductions. SDI provides affordable, short-term benefits to eligible workers. Workers covered by SDI are covered by two benefits: Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL).The eligibility requirements are: PFL was established for workers who suffer a loss of wages when they need to take time off from work to care...

State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) (Workforce Service Division)
Eligibility: Please see below.
Fees: None

State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) includes: Disability InsuranceEmployer TaxGovernor’s Committee for the Employment of Disabled PersonsWorkforce ServiceLabor Market InformationNew Employee RegistrySenior Worker Advocate officeUnemployment Insurance informationWelfare-to-Work, Workforce Investment ActWork Opportunity and Welfare-To-Work Tax CreditYouth Employment Opportunity ProgramVeterans employmentCase management assistanceEmployment service assistance for job seekers...

Stellar Career College (Dental Assisting, Medical Assisting, Veterinary Assisting, Medical Office, Accounting Certificate Programs in Modesto)
Eligibility: Anyone ages 18 years or older. Must have High School Diploma or equivalent.
Fees: Vary; Financial aid available to those who qualify.

Stellar Career College is to provide consistent high-quality instruction and motivation in a positive learning environment. The welfare and education of students and employees at their technical school is their primary focus. They work toward building skilled individuals and a successful trade school to serve the needs of the community.

Tech 4 Good powered by Uneed2 (Youth and Family Technology Center)
Eligibility: Must be 13 years old and older.
Fees: Vary

Uneed2 is a non-profit organization that enables individuals to have an equal opportunity in education and career development by bridging the digital divide. Their vision is to bridge the gap by assisting economically challenged individuals with technology to be competitive in the 21st-century economy and break the cycle of poverty. The goal is to allow them to have the same opportunity to reach their full potential as successful, productive and responsible citizens. To accomplish these goals, ...

The Arc San Joaquin
Eligibility: Referral from Valley Mountain Regional Center or Department of Rehabilitation. Must be 22 years of age or older.
Fees: None

The Arc San Joaquin provides Adult Development Programs and Supported Employment. Adult Development Programs serve persons with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities. Services help participants to become more independent through adult life skills and communication skills training. Site and community group activities provide social, leisure and volunteer opportunities. Behavior management services help individuals become aware of and better cope with challenges they may be ex...

The Arc San Joaquin (Vocational Services)
Eligibility: Individuals with developmental disabilities seeking employment. Must be referred by the Department of Rehabilitation or Valley Mountain Regional Center.
Fees: None

The Arc San Joaquin Vocational Services provides supportive employment services to persons with developmental disabilities.Vocational Services: works on behalf of persons seeking employment, local employers and families who may be involved in the lives of their family member.Assistance for job seekers: Person-centered and situational assessment Job analysis to find the job best suited for job seekersCustomized employment management planJob preparation assessment and assistanceCustomized employme...

Tracy Chamber Foundation (Hire Me First Program )
Eligibility: High school juniors and seniors who attend school in Tracy, CA.
Fees: None

Hire Me First Program offers job training, job readiness workshops, mock interviews, and internship placement to high school juniors and seniors who attend school in Tracy.Through their participation in a work activity with the private sector, participating youth have the opportunity to:Acquire a better awareness of employer expectationsDevelop strong work maturity, work ethic and a sense of responsibilityParticipate in career exploration that builds an awareness of job opportunities available i...

Triad Family Services
Eligibility: Foster parents must meet state requirements.
Fees: None

Triad Family Services provides training to approve homes for foster placement of abused and neglected children ages 0 to 18 years of age. Triad supplies monthly reimbursement for care of children placed in the foster home. Adoption services for our foster children are also availabe.

Weber Institute of Applied Sciences & Technology
Eligibility: High school-aged students. Application process is required.
Fees: None

Weber Institute of Applied Sciences & Technology is a high-tech high school that offers career training and core academic classes which satisfy the requirements for graduation from Stockton Unified School District. Weber Institute is dedicated to academic and career preparation with an emphasis on good citizenship. Weber Career Academics includes the following career areas: Information Technology, Health, Transportation, and Education.Admission applications are accepted during the regular...

Western Pacific Truck School (Truck Driving Training )
Eligibility: Must be 18 years or older, possess a valid Driver's License and Social Security Card, and pass a physical and drug screening.
Fees: Vary

Western Pacific Truck School-Truck Driving Training Program is the only truck driving school to be honored with the California Trucking Association's Fleet Safety Award and was founded in 1977. Their comprehensive program provides the skills and education needed to obtain a CDL and become employed in the trucking industry where there is a high demand for professional truck drivers.Certification programs available:Class A Commercial Driver's LicenseClass B Commercial Driver's LicenseOsha Certifi...

YMCA of San Joaquin County (After School Program)
Eligibility: Students in TK-6 grades attending: Julia Morgan ElementaryManlio Silva ElementaryPodesta Ranch ElementaryElk Horn ElementaryLockeford Elementary...
Fees: Vary

YMCA of San Joaquin County operates a before and after school program at the following sites: Julia Morgan Elementary, 3777 A.G. Spanos Boulevard, StocktonManlio Silva Elementary, 6250 Scotts Creek Drive, Stockton Podesta Ranch Elementary, 9950 Windmill Park Drive, StocktonElk Horn Elementary, 10505 North Davis Road, StocktonLockeford Elementary, 19456 N Tully Road, Lockeford