San Joaquin Delta College CalWORKs program’s mission is to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals. Following is a description of the services they offer:
- Intake: They assist students with admission applications and provide an overview of Delta College CalWORKs services.
- Needs Assessment: They provide initial and ongoing resource referrals. Students are given the most current edition of the CalWORKs Community Connections Resource Directory. Various workshops aimed at preparing students for the workforce are also offered.
- Academic Advising: CalWORKs students receive priority registration. Advisors help them plan their semester schedules and enroll in classes. Class grids and book lists are provided as part of their collaboration with HSA. Information is provided regarding other components of their program.
- CalWORKs Work Study: CalWORKs students may be eligible for paid work study positions on campus.
- Employment Assistance: CalWORKs staff may also provide students with job preparation assistance.
- Community Connections Resource Directory: The Directory is created for use by professionals who administer to the needs of children, young people, and adults in San Joaquin County, community college and higher education staff members who work with students facing barriers to academic achievement, and all others interested in the vast wealth of resources offered in San Joaquin County.
If you are receiving TANF or have recently applied for CalWORKs benefits from HSA or have additional questions, please contact the SJDC CalWORKs program at and click on our LiveChat.