Referral from Valley Mountain Regional Center or Department of Rehabilitation. Must be 22 years of age or older.
The Arc San Joaquin provides Adult Development Programs and Supported Employment. Adult Development Programs serve persons with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities. Services help participants to become more independent through adult life skills and communication skills training. Site and community group activities provide social, leisure and volunteer opportunities. Behavior management services help individuals become aware of and better cope with challenges they may be experiencing.
The Supported Employment program provides job sampling trials, job development, and job coaching. Job coach support is provided in both group and individual placement. Group placement is used to learn a specific set of duties associated with a job and job coaching is provided throughout the day. Job coaching in Individual Placement is for a shorter period of time until the person no longer needs supports. Job sampling trials allow someone to "try out" a job of choice to see how they like it. Job sampling is an important and requested service for anyone wanting to discover his or her interests, abilities and competencies. All jobs are established with local privately owned businesses, corporations and government entities.