Eckerd Connects

(209) 323-5169 (Stockton Office)
(209) 479-4112 (Program Manager)
(209) 639-7536 (Career Coach )

Program eligibility includes services for individuals who are low-income or face barriers to entering post-secondary education and/or obtaining and retaining employment. Eligible individuals include but are not limited to:

  • School dropout
  • Offender or justice-involved
  • Homeless or runaway
  • Individual with a disability
  • Youth 16- to 17-years old who have not attended school for at least the most recent complete school year quarter
  • Recipient of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent who is a low-income individual and is either basic skills deficient or an English language learner
  • Individual in foster care or who has aged out of the foster care system
  • Individual who is pregnant or parenting (custodial and non-custodial parent including non-custodial fathers)
  • Low-income individual who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure or hold employment

Eckerd Connects Youth program provides employment, training and career guidance services for in-and out-of-school youth 16 to 24 years old residing in the San Joaquin County.

Eckerd Connects provides the following services:

  • Paid incentives for completion of program goals
  • High school completion or GED assistance
  • Career exploration opportunities
  • Postsecondary and job site field trips
  • Resume building, application, and job search assistance
  • Paid work experience
  • Supportive services
  • Financial, educational, and career workshops
  • Follow up services
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Filed Under


Main Location
306 East Main Street
Suite 211
Stockton, CA  95202
[Map & Directions]