There are 24 programs in the Re-Entry & Transition Category.
A Thrive Therapeutic Services provides mental health therapy in Tracy. Telehealth services are also available throughout the state of California.Services are offered to children, adolescents, individuals, family, and groups.
California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation - Division of Adult Parole Operations offers the following services for parolees currently under Adult Parole Supervision:Parolee Outpatient Clinic: provides therapy to those with a documented history of psychological issues. The clinic has a staff which includes a psychiatrist, psychologist and psychiatric social workers.Community Based: places parolees that have failed to benefit from less restrictive treatment programs into a community ba...
Computer Literacy Learning Center (CLLC) offers a computer-assisted instructional program designed to increase the literacy skills of parolees, resulting in increased employability and parolee success. They are located within parole offices. Teachers provide classroom instruction which focuses on basic proficiency in reading, writing and math skills. Students are placed in the CLLC according to their ability and proceed at their own pace, receiving training in life skills and employment compet...
California Department of Motor Vehicle's (DMV) vision is to be a recognized leader in public service. Their mission is to provide quality licensing and motor vehicle-related services to the public.The two primary functions offered are registering vehicles and licensing drivers. They also provide the following functions: Recording ownership (certificate of title)Maintaining driving records (accidents and convictions) of licensed driversIssuing identification cards Registering and recording owner...
Discovery Challenge Academy is part of the California National Guard and is a five-and-a-half-month residential credit recovery program with a quasi-military aspect. During the academy, students will earn 65 high school credits, serve at least 40-hours of community service, and compete for scholarships. Every student will focus on the following Eight Core Components: Academic ExcellenceLeadership/FollowershipHealth and HygienePhysical FitnessService to CommunityJob SkillsLife-Coping Skills and...
Delancey Street Foundation is a self-help residential education center for former substance abusers and ex-convicts. There are about 1,000 residents located in six facilities throughout the country: New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Los Angeles and San Francisco (headquarters).Residents usually stay from two to four years and learn academic and vocational skills, along with interpersonal social survival skills. Their mission is to have each individual learn the values and a...
In 1966 the U.S. Department of Labor established The Federal Bonding Program to provide Fidelity Bonds that guarantee honesty for “at-risk,” hard-to-place job seekers. The bonds cover the first six months of employment. There is no cost to the job applicant or the employer. In most states the bonds are made available through the state agency responsible for workforce matters. The Federal Bonding Program is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Labor and The McLaughlin Company, an insuran...
Friends Outside has provided support for individuals and families during transition in order to reduce risk and improve wellbeing, including parenting education, employment preparation and search, planning and prioritizing, mentoring, and supporting hope for those who are struggling. Their partners in Mission include Behavioral Health, Community Medical, Probation, the Sheriff's Department, Stockton PD, the Office of Violence Prevention, and many other community-based organizations. They help n...
Hedy Holmes Staffing Services specializes in permanent and temporary employment placement. They also assist those individuals post-release/re-entry seeking employment. Other locations: Lodi: 911 Industrial Way, Suite DTracy: 324 East 11th Street, Suite A-1Modesto: 1620 North Carpenter Road, Suite C-22
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children - All of Us or None is a grassroots civil and human rights organization fighting for the rights of formerly- and currently- incarcerated people and their families. They are fighting against the discrimination that people face every day because of arrest or conviction history. The goal of All of Us or None is to strengthen the voices of people most affected by mass incarceration and the growth of the prison-industrial complex. Through their grassroots or...
OneJustice has been working to expand legal help for Californians in need for more than thirty years. Millions of low-income Californians face pressing legal problems without access to legal help. OneJustice brings life-changing legal help to those in need by transforming the legal aid system. They offer the following programs: Pro Bono Justice innovates the pro bono system and ensures greater access to high-quality legal help for people in need. The Pro Bono Justice teams develop and support t...
PeopleReady provides job placement assistance to those seeking employment. They also provide assistance to those seeking employment after being incarcerated.
Rite of Passage California Foster Families is a private non-profit foster family agency licensed by the State of California to recruit, train and provide extensive services to foster/resource family homes. Their goal is provide safe, ethical and loving homes for foster youth ages infant to 17 years. They provide 24-hours per day, 7 days per week emergency support along with weekly home visits by a social worker with a master's degree. In-home training for families is offered and reimbursement ...
Root & Rebound’s mission is to support people navigating reentry and reduce the harms perpetuated by mass incarceration. The following services are offered: "Roadmap to Reentry" Education works to expand the knowledge of community-based organizations, government agencies, and people with conviction histories across the state of California. This education focuses on improving "reentry readiness" so that people in reentry and those who support are prepared to navigate hurdles to employment, ho...
Salvation Army, Stockton assists needy families with emergency food, clothing and furnishings when their homes have been destroyed by fire or any form of disaster or calamity. Salvation Army also provides assistance with paying for a PG&E bill through its Dollar Energy program. No requirements for the Youth Center.Stockton Salvation Army sites:Adult Rehabilitation Center & Thrift Store: 1247 South Wilson Way, Stockton (209) 466-3871. There is a car lot featuring used and running cars ...
San Joaquin County Probation Department, Adult Division is a major partner in the justice system. While working with public and private entities, its goal is to increase opportunities for individuals at risk and offenders to experience success in socially and legally acceptable ways, using cost effective programming. For those who choose not to make positive changes, the Division will recommend and impose consequences, thereby holding offenders accountable and protecting public interest and s...
San Joaquin County Probation Department Juvenile Detention Services provides a place where youth may be held while waiting to come before a judge of the Juvenile Court. A youth under the age of 18 years old who commits a crime may be booked by a law enforcement agency into Juvenile Hall. Youth on probation may be arrested and booked by their probation officer. When a youth appears in Juvenile Court on charges of a crime, the judge may release them, detain them pending adjudication on their case,...
San Joaquin County Probation Department Juvenile Division is a partner in the Sierra Health Foundation's Positive Youth Justice Initiative (PYJI). The San Joaquin Probation Department Juvenile Division protects the public and, if possible, rehabilitates its delinquent (juvenile) and criminal (adult) client. The Juvenile Division of the Probation Department is divided into Community Field Services and Juvenile Hall/Camp. Juvenile Probation works with over fifty public agencies and community bas...
San Joaquin County Public Defender offers full service past criminal conviction clearing assistance to promote improved quality of life by better opportunities in employment, housing, and access to public benefits.
San Joaquin County Recorder-County Clerk serves as custodian of public records, recorder of real property documents, and notary public bonds. The office also issues and registers marriage licenses, vital statistics, and other public documents.The enactment of Senate Bill 1342 requires more documents be subject to the fee for the Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund. The $8.00 Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund fee will be applied to the documents listed below effective August 1, ...
Service First of Northern California (SFNC) is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Public Benefit Corporation that serves as an umbrella organization and operates ten (10) community based programs. The "Service" focuses on the neediest individuals in the community. They provide supportive services to individuals that are developmentally disabled, mentally ill, physically disabled, homeless Veterans, Social Security beneficiaries, and those struggling with addiction. Services offered: Representative Payee Ser...
Stellar Career College is to provide consistent high-quality instruction and motivation in a positive learning environment. The welfare and education of students and employees at their technical school is their primary focus. They work toward building skilled individuals and a successful trade school to serve the needs of the community.
Uneed2 is a non-profit organization that enables individuals to have an equal opportunity in education and career development by bridging the digital divide. Their vision is to bridge the gap by assisting economically challenged individuals with technology to be competitive in the 21st-century economy and break the cycle of poverty. The goal is to allow them to have the same opportunity to reach their full potential as successful, productive and responsible citizens. To accomplish these goals, ...
WestCare California Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming (STOP) offers case management, aftercare services, coordination and transportation to recently released parolees. They provide intensive case management services for substance abusing parolees through placement, referral and coordination of services to community based treatment after they are released from substance abuse programs within California penal institutions. Placement services are offered in Stockton and Manteca. ...