There are 71 programs in the Library/Education Resource Category.
Asian Pacific Self-Development and Residential Association (APSARA) is an educational, problem-solving organization that provides leadership for Park Village Apartments and its surrounding residents by collaborating with larger communities to provide a safe and positive environment that promotes economic development and small business. APSARA offers many services which include:Housing and Family Support ServicesTutoring Program (After School Program)Mental Health (Outreach and Education)Communit...
Assistance League of Stockton is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to serving the community through philanthropic programs such as Operation School Bell®, which annually clothes over 1,200 school children in need. Other programs include: The Kids on the Block - puppet shows to teach tolerance for those who are different, and how to be safe at both home and school Book Buddies - volunteers visit second grade classes to work on basic phonics and listen to struggling readers read aloudComfort...
CalAsian's Small Business Development Center (SBDC) helps new and existing small business owners with financial, marketing, production, organization, and technical issues. The staff, consultants and volunteers provide up-to-date consulting, training and research assistance in all aspects of business management and start-up. SBDC also serves as a resource center, providing information and referrals for small business owners.For a complete listing of workshops and services offered, visit the SBD...
Computer Literacy Learning Center (CLLC) offers a computer-assisted instructional program designed to increase the literacy skills of parolees, resulting in increased employability and parolee success. They are located within parole offices. Teachers provide classroom instruction which focuses on basic proficiency in reading, writing and math skills. Students are placed in the CLLC according to their ability and proceed at their own pace, receiving training in life skills and employment compet...
Van Buskirk Community Center offers recreational and daily programs for all ages. Youth sports and the After School Express program are offered. The facility is equipped with a game room, fitness room and a gymnasium. The gymnasium and multi-purpose room are available for rental.
Lodi Family Resource Center is a family-friendly center that seeks to improve the lives of children and families in an impoverished, limited-resource, minimally educated neighborhood that is home to primarily low-income, Hispanic, Pakistani, Indian and Afghan working families.Lodi Family Resource Center partners with a comprehensive team of public and private organizations to meet the distinct needs of families living in this community, including:California Human DevelopmentSan Joaquin Count...
Villa Monterey Family Resource Center operates a Family Resource Center with administration offices in one of the highest-need communities in Stockton - the Kentfield neighborhood. They use Service Integration as a planning process to create individualized plans to meet the needs of children and their families by utilizing their strengths. The comprehensive and well-coordinated case plans improve the delivery of services because they eliminate duplication and gaps in services and actively invo...
Family Resource Center is a non-profit organization that focus on quality childcare services for all parents, childcare providers, and children of San Joaquin County and the surrounding areas and providing child development and parenting education, nutrition classes, and health and safety training.Services include:Childcare assistanceChildcare referrals First 5 ProgramsPreschool ProgramInformation and training for individuals interested in becoming licensed family childcare providersWorkshops an...
Resource & Referral Program provides free workshops and trainings, a lending library, activity curriculum kits, community resources, and various other services to parents and providers. The program also provides childcare lists to licensed childcare providers for parents throughout San Joaquin County.
CollegeBuys, powered by the Foundation for California Community Colleges, offers discounts of up to 85 percent on a wide-range of educational products from industry-leading software and technology and high quality office and classroom furniture. Community college students are eligible for discounts on products that will help them complete their education. Find the latest discounts at or sign up to receive updates and product information via email.College Buys now is offering Cal...
Give Every Child A Chance (GECAC) is a non-profit corporation that utilizes community volunteers to serve as mentor/tutors for the children of the Manteca, Banta, Tracy, Ripon and Escalon Unified School Districts. The program matches these volunteers, one-on-one, with at-risk students. The Homework Assistance Program is an extension of the Tutoring/Mentoring Program and offers a safe environment for children to bring their homework assignments and work independently on completing them. After ...
Since its inception in 1910, The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) provides the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training, which helps young people be “Prepared. For Life ®” From one-in-a-lifetime adventures to merit badges that spark interest and future careers; from campouts under the stars to service project that have a lasting impact; Scouting expands horizons and provides young people with a safe and welcoming environment to learn, grow, and thr...
Lao Family Community Empowerment (LFCE) assists refugees and immigrants with developing skills needed to become self-supportive. LFCE is also affiliated and involved with People and Congregations Together (PACT) and Pacific Institute for Organizing (PICO) to promote, motivate and organize the Hmong and Laotian community in developing leadership, organization and advocacy skills through one-on-one appointments and community action meetings.LFCE offers: The Home Visitation Project - a collaborati...
Little Free Libraries project is a city-wide effort to refurbish, construct and install Little Free Libraries throughout the region in low literacy areas. Dozens of Little Free Libraries have been installed in neighborhoods and commercial areas, allowing residents to freely borrow and exchange books at their leisure. Globally, there are over 15,000 Little Free Libraries in all 50 states and over 40 countries. For the nearest Little Library, visit the website or visit them on Faceboo...
Lodi Public Library Adult Literacy Services offers free one-to-one or small group tutoring for individuals learning to read and write English. High School Diploma support is available via online.Storytimes is a service providing age-appropriate stories, finger plays, and songs. Crafts are also available.Toddler Time (ages 1 to 3) is Tuesdays 3:00 p.m. offered in the Community RoomPreschool Story Time (ages 4 and up) is Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. in the Community Room.Spanish Story Time (all ages) is...
Lodi Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) provides special education services to Lodi Unified, New Hope, and Oak View School Districts. SELPA serves children with special needs from birth to age 22 years old. Special needs include children with an array of disabilities including severe physical, emotional or learning disabilities. Some may also need a variety of support services such as speech therapy. Students must meet state and federal eligibility requirements.
Mary Magdalene Community Services offers services to adults, youths and children. Adult services include crisis intervention and referrals, transitional housing and case management, job skills, resume writing, and outreach. Services for youth and children include counseling, case management, and teen mentoring through the "My Brother's Keeper" program. Parenting classes and substance abuse classes are offered through court referrals.
National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) operates the U.S. Department of Education's technical assistance and information center for the federal Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Program. If your family meets the eligibility criteria, your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act.Your eligible children have the right to: Receive a free, appropriate public educationEnroll in school immediately, even if lacking docu...
Native American Indian Education Center - located at Edison High School - trains teachers in the cultural difficulties they encounter with Native American customs. Field trips and educational activities are provided, and there is a multicultural specialist on staff. Lectures are given on Native American affairs. There is a resource library available and tutoring opportunities for students. Monthly calendars are available with information on workshops and events.
Pat Tillman Foundation is building the leading fellowship program for military veterans and spouses. Through academic scholarships, a national network and professional development opportunities, Tillman Scholars are empowered to make an impact.
Boggs Tract Community Center is committed to providing community members with information and access to a variety of agencies that provide services in the areas of human services, employment, health, nutrition, housing assistance and education services.Boggs Tract Community Center offers a wide range of services. Please see below:Food and Nutrition Services:Government Commodity Program: Food is distributed on the third Thursday of the month.Emergency Food Program & Donated Food: Emergency fo...
Kennedy Community Center offers emergency food to low-income individuals and families living in San Joaquin County. Emergency food distribution is available on most Tuesdays (except the Tuesday before the 3rd Thursday of month) from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.Donated Food Distribution is most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (except the Monday and Wednesday before Commodities on 3rd Thursday of the month). Food is given at 11:00 a.m. (when food is available). Sign in starts at 8:00 a.m. and is fir...
Lodi Community Service Center provides families with emergency food on Tuesdays and Fridays at 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., serving up 30 families. To qualify, families must be low-income residents living in San Joaquin County (Lodi, Galt, Thornton, Clements, Victor and Woodbridge). For emergency food, clients must bring the following documentation: photo identification and proof of address, such as a PG&E, telephone bill or rent receipt. Identification is needed for each family member. They a...
Taft Community Center offers a wide range of services. Please see below:Food and Nutrition Services:USDA Commodity Food - every 3rd Thursday of each month from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.Donated Foods - Monday and Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. (first come, first served or until it's gone.) Donated Food is not distributed Friday before the commodity week, the week of commodities, and last Wednesday of each month.Farmer's Market - every 4th Thursday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.T...
Water Resources offers tips and valuable information on water resource management, including conservation and drought-related issues. We all benefit from saving water and from being aware of resources and conservation measures to help manage one of our most precious natural resources, our water. Please help conserve water when and where you can. Visit this website and learn tips on water saving at home or work. Water education resources are available by accessing the website's online Educati...
The San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) is a regional agency that provides educational leadership, resources, and customized services to assist school districts. The SJCOE promotes student achievement and accountability, serves San Joaquin County’s most vulnerable students, and strives to create an environment in which every student, regardless of circumstances, has an opportunity for a quality education.Learn more about how the SJCOE educates, innovates, and inspires at
SJCOE Education Roots of Readiness Home Visitation Program offers parent educators the following services:Comprehensive screenings and referralsDevelopmental screenings and appropriate referral and follow up for special needs servicesParent As Teacher curriculum to families with children between the ages of 0 and 3.5 and prenatal momsHealth Education curriculum to families with children between the ages 0 and 3.5 and prenatal momsRaising A Reader (RAR) program to help children and their families...
SJCOE WorkStartYES (Youth Education and Employment Services) program is a joint partnership program between San Joaquin County WorkNet and the San Joaquin County Office of Education under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The WorkStartYES mission is to empower youth to achieve and maintain academic, occupational, and leadership success. These services are available to those not attending any secondary or post-secondary school not including Title II Adult Education, ages 16 to ...
Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC) helps families by providing nutrition education, breastfeeding support, a benefit card for healthy foods, and referrals to healthcare and other community services. Sites:Stockton: 620 North Aurora Street, Suite 2 (209) 468-3280. Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Manteca: 283 Spreckels Avenue (209) 468-5473. Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. French Camp: 500 W. Hospital Rd., RM 1102B. Hour: Tues...
San Joaquin Delta College is at the forefront of job training, retraining, and high-tech jobs of the future in the Central Valley and the foothills. Established in 1963, the College serves over 20,000 students at its campuses in Stockton and Mountain House, as well as online and at satellite centers. Students can earn an associate degree and transfer to a university, saving thousands of dollars in tuition. Another option is students can be trained in over 100 career and degree certificate progra...
San Joaquin Delta College CalWORKs program’s mission is to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals. Following is a description of the services they offer:Intake: They assist students with admission applications and provide an overview of Delta College CalWORKs services.Needs Assessment: They provide initial and ongoing resource referrals. Students are given the most current edition of the CalWORKs Community Connections Resource Directory. Various workshops aimed at prepa...
San Joaquin Delta College CalWORKs Assessment is contracted by the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency to conduct assessments of individuals receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and participating in the San Joaquin County CalWORKs Program. The assessments help determine an individual's career interests, skills, cognitive abilities and facilitate his or her career and job planning. CalWORKs Assessment also provides learning disability evaluations by referral.
Our mission at the Career and Transfer Center is to help students reach their career/educational goals. We understand that each student is different making each experience unique. Whether you are transferring out, joining a trade, or discovering your perfect fit, we are prepared to assist you.Our services intentionally incorporate all phases of the career decision-making process. Emphasis is placed on providing student assistance from beginning with the college admissions process, through reten...
Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE), is a supplemental component of EOPS that specifically offers supportive services to assist eligible single-parent Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) students in acquiring the education, training, and marketable skills needed to transition from welfare dependency to employment and eventual self-sufficiency for their families.CARE Program ServicesIn addition to EOPS services, CARE students receive assistance with:Personal developme...
Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) provides equal access to educational opportunities for students with verified disabilities. Staff provide students with quality support services to ensure opportunities for maximum success at San Joaquin Delta College. Services include:counselingtesting accommodationsreader/note taker servicesinterpreter servicesuse of adaptive equipmentassistance with mobility on campusStudents should schedule an appointment to meet with a DSPS counselor. Pleas...
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is a unique program funded by the state of California to recruit and support students who may otherwise not attempt higher education as they work to complete certificate, associate degree or university transfer requirements.EOPS program assists participants with:Individualized counseling Priority registrationAssistance purchasing required textbooks** Access to EOPS Lending LibraryUniversity Transfer Services (including application fee ...
Financial Aid and Scholarships Department assists students in meeting expenses associated with their education. Expenses include books, supplies, food, transportation, and housing expenses. Financial aid is available to qualifying students in the form of state and federal grants, federal work study, scholarships, student loans, and state grants. The Financial Aid and Scholarships Department also offers outreach services for potential financial aid applicants including low-income and disadvant...
Foster and Kinship Care Education (FKCE) is a program for current and interested caregivers in San Joaquin County. The program is designed to provide a quality education and support opportunities to caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet the educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and youth in the foster care system.Orientations are held every Thursday evening (informational sessions) Pre-Service classes are signed up ...
San Joaquin Delta College Irving Goleman Library provides services to students, faculty and staff, including: access to a wide variety of print, non-print, and electronic resources (including off-campus access to electronic materials to Delta students, faculty and staff), bibliographic instruction, and an information literacy program that is committed to excellence in teaching students the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed for successful academic achievement and life-long learning. In ...
Math & Science Learning Center offers tutoring in math, science , computer science and nursing. Tutoring is conducted on a drop-in basis. Tutors are peer tutors who have taken the courses and passed with a grade of B or better. The Center also has books for classes that must be used on-site. There are 10 computers for students to utilize as well as microscopes and slides, anatomy and chemistry models, graphing and scientific calculators available for rent. The operating hours are Monday ...
San Joaquin Delta College Student Activities provides the following services:Information and support for clubsMustang PassBike lockersClub Flyer Permit approvalsClub registrationActivity/Facility reservations for clubsCampus activitiesLeadership developmentThe Student Food PantryThe Associated Students of Delta College offers:Food 4 ThoughtAssistance with the grievance of complaint processInformation about campus and community resourcesSpecial events and monthly college hour eventsFunding for st...
Student-Athlete Success Program (SASP) provides academic and athletic support at San Joaquin Delta College.The program, known as "The Zone," was created to supply student athletes with a dedicated study area that provides one-on-one tutoring, workshops, and computer resources. It is located on the second floor of the Budd Building in room 205B.The program assists student athletes in achieving their academic goals while participating in the athletics programs at San Joaquin Delta College. Coache...
Troops to College provides active and former members of the armed services a support team that increases the likelihood of achievement of educational goals by addressing their specialized needs in a college setting. This program provides information, resources, and support services to “advantage” the active and former members of the armed forces in any way possible from the time of admission through graduation or transfer.Veteran Student Alliance (VSA) is the student-based affiliate of the Troop...
The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is open to all student Veterans, dependents, Active Duty, & Reservists. Help utilizing VA benefits In-house Veterans Education Counselor and School Certifying OfficialVA Work Study Opportunities (pending openings)Camaraderie goes beyond the battlefield, offering understanding, support, and a sense of belonging in the face of unique challengesVeteran Advocacy Priority registrationNew and improved computer lab and printer accessFood PantrySensory RoomQuiet st...
Writing Success Center provides the following services: one-on-one writing tutoring, writing workshops, grammar assistance, MLA, APA, and Chicago Documentation assistance, research guidance, resume development, scholarship and transfer essay assistance, and much more. The center will match students with an experienced tutor. All writing tutors have completed English 1A and 1B or 1D with an A or B, and tutors have also completed a tutor training course.On-campus tutoring services: Monday through ...
San Joaquin Medical Society Scholarship Loan Fund provides interest free loans to medical and nursing students. Please call or visit their website for additional requirement information, loan terms and application deadlines.Scholarship types and amounts: M.D. $10,000 to $40,000 per yearR.N. $4,000 to 8,000 per year
Stockton Astronomical Society's Astronomy Club promotes knowledge of astronomy and related sciences. Monthly sky viewing events are held, and Community Star Parties are also available to schools. A 12-page monthly newsletter, “Valley Skies” is also included with a membership.Once a month, on a Friday evening, volunteers set up their personal telescopes for the public to see the moon and any planets that are visible. Please visit website to view the Sky Tours schedule for these upcoming events....
Stockton Scottish Rite of Freemasonry provides community services in the form of college scholarships and interest-free college loans. Scottish Rite also sponsors a clinic for childhood language disorders where no fees are charged, although voluntary donations from parents and the public are accepted. Scottish Rite Medical warehouse is open and running. The Almoner can be reached at (209) 603-1049.
Family Resource Center offers parenting classes and resources to families with Stockton Unified School District students. Parents and guardians of students at SUSD can participate at the district level Parent Advisory Committee. The role of the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is to advise, recommend, and review matters pertaining to the Local Control Accountability Plan and Local Control Funding Formula. There are two affinity groups: Latino PAC and African American/ Black PAC (AABPAC). Please c...
Read to Me, Stockton! is an organization focused on improving early literacy and enriching the lives of children who live within the city of Stockton. Children who are enrolled in the program receive free age appropriate books in the mail every month. The books are at no cost to the parents. The only obligation asked of the child's family is they spend time together reading the books.
Cesar Chavez Central Library offers internet access to the public, as well as books, DVDs, videos, CDs, and audio tapes for the purpose of gaining information and knowledge on a particular subject. For items not owned by their library system, customers may borrow from outside San Joaquin County through LinkPlus. Customers may also download audio books and e-books on the library’s website. Weekly story times build a love of books and reading in young children and assist adults in learning how ...
Escalon Library is funded by the Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library and provides individuals with books and audiovisual materials that can be checked out for a period of time. The library also offers free internet access with a library card. Programming is available for all ages. Visit website for program details.
Fair Oaks Public Library offers materials including books, DVDs, and CDs. There is also a MakerSpace, computers, and WiFi. Downloadable audio and e-book materials are now available through Overdrive and Hoopla, and downloadable magazines/periodicals through Flipster.Programming is available for all ages. Check the events calendar on the website for details.
Families Reading Together program encourages family literacy by introducing preschool and elementary age children and their parents to the library and its many free resources. Programs are held at library branches, schools, and community centers. Children enjoy fun storytimes and learn about great books to read on their own. Every child attending with a parent receives a free book. Please call to schedule a Families Reading Together program at your school or community center.
Let's Chat: English Conversation Club is for adults whose second language is English, who wish to practice their English language speaking skills in a casual and relaxed environment. Each session includes a topic of the day, shared reading, activities and interesting conversation. Participating adults should be able to read English and desire an opportunity to practice English conversation.
Linden Branch Library is funded by the Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library, and offers computer workstations for general and Internet use, books, and other educational resources in English and Spanish that can be checked out for loan purposes. Newspapers and magazines are available for browsing. There are programs for all ages. Look at the online events calendar on the website for details.
Adult Literacy is a free countywide program that matches adult learners ages 16 years and over with volunteers for confidential one-on-one tutoring. Students are assessed and generally read at a fourth grade reading level. Tutors help students improve their reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension. Pairs meet at any branch library throughout San Joaquin County once or twice a week, for a half hour session and are asked to make a six-month commitment. Volunteer training and al...
Manteca Library is part of the Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library system and provides a variety of print and media resources for the general public, as well as programs for all ages. Check the library's website for program information and online services.
Margaret K. Troke Library is funded by the Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library and provides individuals with books and other educational resources that can be checked out for loan purposes. There are programs for all ages. Look at the events calendar on their website for details.
Maya Angelou Library is funded by the Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library and provides individuals with books and other educational resources that can be checked out for loan purposes. Other services available include Spanish and Hmong language materials such as DVDs, videos, audio loans, computer use, and special programs for all ages. Customers are encouraged to explore the new Resource-Sharing Program called Link+, as well as Overdrive which is a downloadable audio and e-book program...
Ripon Public Library offers materials including books, journals, manuscripts, government documents, computers, WiFi, study rooms, DVDs, CDs, and access to stored data files to San Joaquin County and surrounding area residents. Reference librarians are available to assist patrons with questions about services as well as to assist with research on a particular subject. Downloadable audio and e-book materials are now available through Overdrive and Hoopla. Programming is available for all ages. ...
Thornton Library is funded by the Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library and provides individuals with books and other educational resources that can be checked out for loan purposes. Other services available include film, video and some audio loans. Internet access is available on six computers. Lastly, the library offers WiFi.
Tracy Library is funded by the San Joaquin County Public Library and the City of Tracy and provides individuals with books and other educational resources that can be checked out for loan purposes. Other services available include video, audio, and internet, and computer access and training. Programming is available for all ages. Check the events calendar on the website for details.
Training Wheels is an early literacy vehicle that travels to preschools and daycare centers throughout San Joaquin County. Each visit includes a special storytime where children ages 0-5 and their teachers and caregivers enjoy stories, songs and poetry. This program is funded largely by a California Library Literacy Services grant. Please call to schedule a Training Wheels visit to your preschool or daycare.
Books for Babes is a community-based, early-literacy project initiated by TAU Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, an International Society of Educators in Stockton. Their mission is to prepare children for success in school through early exposure to books and the spoken language so that they may enter school with confidence and master grade-level reading by the third grade. Books for Babes serves two local hospitals in San Joaquin County: St. Joseph's Medical Center and San Joaquin General Hospital, w...
Building Literacy Together provides:Health insurance and developmental screening for preschool childrenRaising a Reader family literacy programSummer kindergarten bridge programs which also include health insurance screening and developmental screeningParent workshops and family learning events on various school readiness topics
The Write Place teaches writing, bookbinding, and letterpress printing on vintage presses. It provides writing and book arts classes for children and adults.This Center is located within walking distance from many downtown schools. It also offers creative writing and book arts workshops for writers of all ages.Writing groups and book clubs are able to use the space in the evenings. On weekends, The Write Place hosts author readings and artists who teach paper making, book binding, and paper craf...
University of the Pacific is an independent, accredited university offering a personalized education, small class sizes and an extensive selection of undergraduate and graduate/professional programs. With 10 schools and colleges and more than 100 majors and programs of study, including 30 graduate programs, University of the Pacific features both small-university friendliness and programs found at much larger universities. It offers 30 different degrees. The academic calendar includes a fall ...
Book Buddies Program is sponsored by Benerd College at University of the Pacific and is a response to the literacy needs of children in the Stockton community. Children are paired with University of the Pacific student mentors and meet one-on-one each week throughout the spring semester. The mentors read to the children and then engage with the child in literacy-based activities to develop reading comprehension skills. Some of these activities include drawing, using graphic organizers, making...
YMCA of San Joaquin County Youth Sports (Y Sports) aim to teach our kids how to be a leader, to live healthy lives, to forge lifelong friends and how to have fun! Each of our programs offers an opportunity for children to learn in a non-competitive environment as we meet kids exactly where they are with any ability. Our programs are not possible without our amazing volunteer coaches. Looking to get involved? Volunteer today and coach a team! We do not have a facility, only programs that are run ...
Books for Babes is a literacy project of the Zeta Rho Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma serving Lodi Memorial Hospital. Each newborn baby is given his or her first "Read to Me" book to encourage reading between the parent and child.