
There are 13 programs in the Utilities Category.

AT&T Access Internet Program
Eligibility: Low income households meeting the following criteria:With at least one resident who participates in the U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/Food StampsWith an address in AT&T’s 2...
Fees: $5 to $10 per month

AT&T Access Internet Program offers high-speed internet for qualifying households. There are no contracts, no deposit, and no installation fee. Also includes in-home Wi-Fi gateway and access to the entire national AT&T Wi-Fi Hot Spot network at no extra cost. Please visit the website or call to apply.

California Lifeline Program
Eligibility: You can qualify for California LifeLine if you or another person in your household is enrolled in any one of the following public-assistance programs:Medicaid/Medi-CalLow Income Home Energy Assistance...
Fees: Cellular service: free or reduced. Home phone: low monthly service charge and connection fee.

California LifeLine Program is a state program that provides discounted home phone and cell phone services to eligible households. California LifeLine discounts help consumers lower the cost of their phone bills. Only one discount per household is allowed (except for teletypewriter users and for Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program participants). Each household must choose to get the discount either on a home phone or on a cell phone, but not on both.For more information, you can call or...

California Water Service Company (Customer Assistance Program (formerly known as LIRA))
Eligibility: To qualify for California Water Service Company Customer Assistance Program (CAP) you need the following:The Cal Water bill must be in your name.You must live at the address where the discount will be...
Fees: None

California Water Service Company Customer Assistance Program (CAP) provides a monthly discount service charge for qualified residential customers in a Cal Water regulated service area. Please call or visit the website for an application.

GRID Alternatives (Energy For All Program)
Eligibility: Home must be owner-occupied and in an area where they have funding (call and they will check)Must be income-qualified (refer to PG&E's CARE/FERA income guidelines)The roof/home must be suitable fo...
Fees: None. This is a state-funded program.

Energy for All offers a no-cost solar program. By leveraging state and local tax incentives, their program offers solar installations on homes at no cost.

GRID Alternatives (Home Solar Program)
Eligibility: GRID Alternatives is a California-based nonprofit organization that makes renewable energy technology accessible to underserved communities. The organization brings solar at no cost to income-qualifie...
Fees: None

The goal of GRID Alternatives is to help families save on your electricity bills, helping to alleviate your financial burdens while reducing your carbon footprint. The beneficiaries of the program typically save 60% or more on their electric bill. Each solar installation also provides hands-on solar training for volunteers and job trainees while spreading clean, renewable energy in the communities that need it the most.To make these projects possible, GRID Alternatives partners with local govern...

Internet Essentials from Comcast
Eligibility: To qualify for this affordable Internet service and a low-cost computer, your household must meet all these criteria:Be located where Comcast offers Internet serviceHave at least one child eligible to...
Fees: $9.95 per month internet service.

Internet Essentials from Comcast brings the power of the Internet to more students and families across the country. It offers fast, affordable home Internet service for only $9.95 a month to qualifying families. You can apply online or call for more information. While participating in Internet Essentials:You get fast home Internet service for only $9.95 a month, plus taxYou never have any price increases or pay any activation or equipment rental feesYou can buy a computer at initial enrollment ...

Lodi Electric Utility (Single Household Alternative Rate for Energy (SHARE))
Eligibility: Please see below.
Fees: None

Residents who have a qualifying income level based on the income eligibility criteria for State of California Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program may receive a discount of 30% on their monthly electric service charges.Applications are accepted online at:https://utilhelp.com/home/index?Referrer=LEU

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) (California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE))
Eligibility: Please see below.
Fees: None

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program gives qualified households deep discounts on their energy bills. Average discount is about $500 per year. Applications are now available online. You can also apply for a monthly discount on your electric bill through the Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) program if your family meets program guidelines.Guidelines for the programs are as follows:PG&E bill is in name of person who is applyingLive a...

Rising Sun Center for Opportunity (Green House Call - Energy and Water Upgrades)
Eligibility: Residents who live in Stockton, California.
Fees: None

Rising Sun Center for Opportunity offers no-cost energy efficiency services for Stockton residents. The Rising Sun team will check the home for efficiency, install energy and water-saving equipment, and provide personalized recommendations for further resource savings. Energy Specialists install equipment as needed, such as energy-efficient light bulbs, high-efficiency faucet aerators for bath and kitchen, shower heads, and more – all at no cost to the resident. The program serves both renters a...

Salvation Army (REACH)
Eligibility: Must have a 48-hour or 15-day PG&E shutoff notice and be a resident of the city/locality in which you are seeking assistance.
Fees: None

Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH) is designed to assist needy families with payment of their PG&E bills. It is administered through Dollar Energy Fund. Funds are available to pay only a late utility bill (no deposits). Families may receive assistance every 18 months until funds have been exhausted. Appointments must be scheduled. Walk-ins accepted.

San Joaquin County Department of Aging and Community Services (Weatherization Program)
Eligibility: Low income San Joaquin County residents.
Fees: All services are based on funding; please call for more information.

Weatherization Program offers the following energy saving measures and repairs: minor housing repairsglass replacementattic ventinglow-flow shower headceiling insulationcaulkingdoor weather stripduct wrapmicrowave and refrigerator exchangeand much more.While there are no fees charged to landlords, the landlord must be willing to agree not to increase the tenant’s rent due to the improvements....

San Joaquin County Human Services Agency (Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP))
Eligibility: Low-income individuals and families. First priority is given to households with high monthly energy costs, seniors, disabled, and children under the age of 5.
Fees: None

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) assists qualified residents with their energy costs. Households may apply once per year for payment of an electric, gas or propane utility bill. Assistance is contingent upon availability of program funding. Residents can find additional information by visiting the website.Required documents:Birth certificate or proof of legal residencyProof of income for the last 30 daysRecent electric/gas or propane utility bill...

Tracy Community Connections Center
Eligibility: Homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless.
Fees: None

Tracy Community Connections Center (Tracy CCC) provides services and support to Tracy area homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless. Services include:showersemergency shelter placementhealth care application assistancedocument procurement assistancerental assistancerental deposit assistancefamily reunificationcase managementeviction prevention Tracy CCC’s mobile shower trailer operates Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. It is stationed at New Heart Church, 1647 Be...