Vary by program, please see below.
Homelessness Prevention provides short-term, one-time rental and/or deposit assistance to qualifying households that meet all federal and local eligibility requirements. All households must undergo an application and review process through Central Valley Low-Income Housing Corp. Households that believe they meet eligibility requirements should contact Central Valley Low Income Housing for full details.
Homeless Prevention Program: Households must have documentation that they are imminently at risk of becoming homeless as defined by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department under the HEARTH Act. Household income must be less than 30% of the area's median income based on household size.
Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Rapid Re-Housing Program: Households must meet the definition of homelessness under Category one or Category four as defined by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department. Households may be single adults or families with children.
Households must be able to demonstrate the capability of being self-sufficient following assistance. Assistance is usually limited to less than three months. Households must be residents of San Joaquin County. Units assisted must meet FMR limits.