San Joaquin County of Governments (SJCOG) offers DIBS- Smart Travel for going to work, school or play with other people in carpools or vanpools, or by other smart ways such as transit, walking or biking to decrease traffic and pollution. Call DIBS on your commute today, as you travel around San Joaquin, Stanislaus, or Merced counties. They help you get to work, go to school, shopping or travel to other destinations by connecting you to Smart Travel options in one place.
DIBS does more than just give you directions. They offer transportation options, incentives, tips and even emergency rides home. They also bring car and vanpool participants together. They offer easy options designed to fit your needs. By foot, bike, car, bus, train, carpool or vanpool, they offer a portal that can save you money, reduce road congestion and improve air quality.