San Joaquin County Human Services Agency

Independent Living Program

(209) 468-1330 (Human Services Agency)
(209) 954-5836 (Life Skills Academy/Guardian Scholars)
(209) 468-1108
  • Must be a current or former foster youth or an out-of-home placed probation youth ages 16 to 20 years
  • Must be referred by a county probation officer or county social worker, unless already aged out, in which case one could self-refer
  • Certain other placement types and ages may apply such as guardianship, kin-gap, or adopted depending on ages

Independent Living Program offers one-on-one case management services and basic skills courses offered through the San Joaquin Delta College YESS Program and the County Office of Education Foster Youth Coordinating Programs.

In addition, they have transitional housing programs, college and career tours, and social events. Please contact an Independent Living Program Coordinator for more information or to determine eligibility for the programs.

These services are provided during the traditional school year and include:

  • Financial assistance for participating youth through referrals for scholarships and grants
  • Assistance in securing housing and referrals to community resources
  • Social development activities
  • Health and nutrition
  • Financial literacy
  • College planning
  • Employment
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Filed Under


Main Location
102 South San Joaquin Street
Stockton, CA  95202
[Map & Directions]
Life Skills Academy
5151 Pacific Avenue
Budd 207
Stockton , CA  95207
[Map & Directions]