Manteca Unified School District

Human Resources

(209) 858-0773

The following documents are required to be submitted with your online application:

  • Letter of Introduction
  • Resume
  • Valid Credential, or*
    • Unofficial Transcripts (Required: all colleges/universities attended) (Required for all Pre-interns)
  • Letter from Credential program currently enrolled (Required for all Pre-interns)
  • EL Authorization (must provide proof if it is not embedded in California Credential)
  • One (1) current Letter of Recommendation (within the last 12 months)**
  • CBEST (optional)
*Credential Copy (Must show Subject Description, Expiration Date and EL Authorization)
**Letter should be from current or former Principal, Assistant Principal, Department Chair, or Program Director. If you have not taught in California (new to the profession), please include a letter from your university program supervisor, master teacher, or practicum supervisor.

Manteca Unified School District's Human Resources will recruit, hire, and retain quality employees for the District, provide support and assistance to our employees and our community, and support the mission of the District.

Support with an emergency permit or Substitute Permit.

Filed Under
This program has no services assigned to it yet


Main Location
2271 West Louise Avenue
Manteca, CA  95337
[Map & Directions]