Child Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin County (CAPC)

Early Childhood Education

(209) 464-4524 (Main Line)
(209) 464-2272

Please see below.

Free/Low cost

Early Education:

CAPC recognizes that critical and formative brain development happens between birth and the age five years old.

CAPC’s state-subsidized and Head Start programs create equitable opportunities for all children to experience high-quality, nurturing, and safe environments that ensure children’s safety, reduces the achievement gap, and promotes necessary brain development for successful learning throughout the child’s lifetime.

  • Preschool/Children Achieving Maximum Potential (CAMP): Offering both state-subsidized and Head Start programs, the CAPC provides early education services in licensed facilities to more than 1000, 3 to 5 year-olds throughout San Joaquin County, including six unique sites in Stockton. Programs include both part-day and full-day options for families based on their needs, family size, and income. Priority is given to families with children at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, or who are homeless.
  • Infant & Toddler Care: Provided at four licensed facilities located throughout San Joaquin County, serving children 0 to 2 years old. The curriculum focuses on healthy attachment development through intentional and responsive care and is designed to focus on routines and experiences – allowing the unique demands of each individual child to be successfully met.
  • Home-Based Child Development Programs: This program offers in-home education services to 51 families with children between the ages of 0 to 3 and uses the Parents as Teachers (PAT) curriculum to support parents in becoming their child’s first teacher through weekly home visits that promote learning and healthy attachment, as well as a variety of planned group socializations.
  • Behavior Modification Services: Child Development Consultants provide behavioral support services to at-risk children ages 0 to 5 years old and their families, resulting in improved behaviors, parenting techniques and decreased need for intervention. These staff also offer Kindermusik classes for parents and children to enjoy together, focusing on healthy attachment and brain development through shared music experiences.
  • Crisis/Respite Care: No-cost crisis care and respite care for children birth through 12 years old. Our Respite Care program is the only one of its kind in San Joaquin County and funding for these services is very limited. This program provides quality care for children of families (regardless of income) who are not eligible for subsidized childcare, but are either required to participate in a treatment, care plan, or parent education class or are facing an immediate short-term emergency and have no other resource to turn to for childcare. CAPC also has a dedicated childcare space at the Family Justice Center and services are also provided at the San Joaquin County Courthouse for families engaging in official court business or accessing the self-help center.
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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Main Location
127 North Sutter Street
Stockton, CA  95202
[Map & Directions]
Childcare/Clinical Office
540 North California Street
Stockton, CA  95202
[Map & Directions]