There are 22 programs in the Veterans Service Category.
A Thrive Therapeutic Services provides mental health therapy in Tracy. Telehealth services are also available throughout the state of California.Services are offered to children, adolescents, individuals, family, and groups.
Anchor Village Apartments provide supportive affordable housing to low-income families and individuals, with preference given to veterans at risk of homelessness and individuals living with mental illness. This apartment complex consists of 51 total one- and two-bedroom apartment homes with approximately 8,000 square feet of ground floor community servicing space. To address the unique needs of this population, the project will include an on-site property manager and supportive services. Ancho...
California Department of Veterans Affairs and its CalVet Home Loan program are committed to helping veterans and active duty personnel attain the American Dream of home ownership. Competitive market interest rates with low or no down payment are offered. The eligibility guidelines have been expanded so that nearly any veteran interested in purchasing a home in California is eligible. Please visit their website for detailed information. You may use the menu on the right hand side of this page ...
CalVet (California Department of Veterans Affairs) is responsible for administering a number of special programs, benefits, and services for California veterans and their families. For personalized assistance in learning about your veteran benefits or for help filing a claim for benefits, contact your local County Veterans Services Office at important function of CalVet's website is to provide resources to California veterans by the organizat...
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Stockton has provided social services to people in San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Calaveras, Tuolumne, Alpine, and Mono counties, for over 80 years; and it has served as a sign of hope in local communities for people of all ages, religions, and races. Today Catholic Charities provides over 24 vital programs and services to the most vulnerable within our communities.
Veteran Assistance Services provides comprehensive supportive services to veterans and their families to prevent homelessness and promote housing stability for families. All services are provided in collaboration and in partnership with Charities of San Joaquin County and Dignity’s Alcove, Inc.
Delta Sculling Center is available for anyone to become more fit, regain/improve health, find a new sport, enjoy the Delta, train for competition, improve their sculling technique, or find an adaptive sport.
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charities of San Joaquin County is a veteran organization supporting and advocating for the Veterans in the Greater San Joaquin County area. They assist indigent and physically, mentally, and socially handicapped veterans by providing scholarship programs, claim counseling, transportation, bus passes, food grants, emergency rent, and utility payments. Financial support is also offered to local disabled veteran chapters, Stockton’s Dignity’s Alcove, and Bi-Annua...
Bristol Hospice-Stockton works together with patients and their families to enhance quality of life. Hospice services are available for those typically affected by any type of life-limiting condition. By utilizing the most modern pain and symptom management techniques combined with a compassionate support system, hospice services help to reduce the overwhelming stress and anxiety that can come with caring for a loved one with a life-limiting illness at home or in a residency facility.Hospice Ca...
Pat Tillman Foundation is building the leading fellowship program for military veterans and spouses. Through academic scholarships, a national network and professional development opportunities, Tillman Scholars are empowered to make an impact.
San Joaquin County Veterans Services Office (CVSO) assists veterans to navigate very complex Federal and State regulatory systems and successfully apply for and receive United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and State of California (CALVET) benefits earned by members of the United States military in defense of our Nation. Benefits and expertise areas of the San Joaquin County accredited Veteran Service Representatives include: Negotiating appeals processes after claim denials; assist...
Troops to College provides active and former members of the armed services a support team that increases the likelihood of achievement of educational goals by addressing their specialized needs in a college setting. This program provides information, resources, and support services to “advantage” the active and former members of the armed forces in any way possible from the time of admission through graduation or transfer.Veteran Student Alliance (VSA) is the student-based affiliate of the Troop...
The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is open to all student Veterans, dependents, Active Duty, & Reservists. Help utilizing VA benefits In-house Veterans Education Counselor and School Certifying OfficialVA Work Study Opportunities (pending openings)Camaraderie goes beyond the battlefield, offering understanding, support, and a sense of belonging in the face of unique challengesVeteran Advocacy Priority registrationNew and improved computer lab and printer accessFood PantrySensory RoomQuiet st...
San Joaquin Valley Veterans helps stabilize veteran families in the area of homeless prevention and rapid re-housing. Limited services are also available for veteran families who enter the program with Section 8 and HUD/VASH vouchers.They offer intensive case management and assistance with: Child careUtilities Rental deposit Transportation repairsGeneral housing stability Document attainment Skills certification...
State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) includes: Disability InsuranceEmployer TaxGovernor’s Committee for the Employment of Disabled PersonsWorkforce ServiceLabor Market InformationNew Employee RegistrySenior Worker Advocate officeUnemployment Insurance informationWelfare-to-Work, Workforce Investment ActWork Opportunity and Welfare-To-Work Tax CreditYouth Employment Opportunity ProgramVeterans employmentCase management assistanceEmployment service assistance for job seekers...
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program is a joint effort between HUD and VA to move Veterans and their families out of homelessness and into permanent housing. HUD provides housing assistance through its Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) that allows homeless Veterans to rent privately owned housing. It provides permanent housing for eligible homeless Veterans who are single or eligible homeless Veterans with families. Case management,...
United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a government military veteran benefit system responsible for administering programs of veterans’ benefits for veterans, their families, and survivors. VA operates the nation's largest integrated health care system, with more than 1,700 hospitals, clinics, community living centers, domiciliaries, readjustment counseling centers, and other facilities. Please visit their website for extensive information on benefits, health care, burial benefit...
United States Department of Veterans Affairs GI Bill is designed to assist servicemembers and eligible veterans cover the costs associated with getting an education or training. The GI Bill has several programs and each is administrated differently, depending on a person's eligibility and duty status. These education benefits are earned by members of Active Duty, Selected Reserve and National Guard Armed Forces and their families. To learn more about these education benefits and to apply, plea...
Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System (VAPAHCS) consists of three inpatient facilities located at Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and Livermore plus seven outpatient clinics in San Jose, Fremont, Capitola, Monterey, Stockton, Modesto, and Sonora. These facilities provide some of the world's finest medical care and cutting-edge technology.VAPAHCS is a teaching hospital, providing a full range of patient care services, with state-of-the-art technology as well as education and research. VAPAHCS ma...
United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Stockton Clinic, offers a health care center for military veterans. They operate the nation's largest integrated health care system, with more than 1,700 hospitals, clinics, community living centers, domiciliaries, readjustment counseling centers, and other facilities. This clinic is part of VA Palo Alto Health Care System offering the following services: general internal medicine, a mental health clinic, smoking cessation, social work service...
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is a nonprofit veterans service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, guard and reserve forces. VFW's mission is to strive to do good things for deserving people: for veterans, their families and their communities. VFW helps donate to schools, hospitals and throughout the community. Meetings are held on the third Saturday of every month at 11:00 a.m. Please call for more information.
Western Pacific Truck School-Truck Driving Training Program is the only truck driving school to be honored with the California Trucking Association's Fleet Safety Award and was founded in 1977. Their comprehensive program provides the skills and education needed to obtain a CDL and become employed in the trucking industry where there is a high demand for professional truck drivers.Certification programs available:Class A Commercial Driver's LicenseClass B Commercial Driver's LicenseOsha Certifi...