There are 14 programs in the CalWORKs Case Management Category.
CalWORKS Behavioral Wellness is a program designed for CalWORKs participants only. It provides participants with mental health assessments, individual or group counseling, support group, anger management and conflict resolution, and substance abuse counseling. Behavioral Wellness was designed to assist participants with issues that serve as barriers to employment and/or training and self-sufficiency.
Rapid Re-Housing is a federally funded temporary rental assistance program (normally not exceeding twelve months) for qualified homeless families that are living in a shelter, living on the streets, or receiving one-time homeless assistance from the Human Services Agency. Families can receive rent and deposit assistance, according to documented need of the household; continuing eligibility is reviewed at least every three months. The head of household must also participate in a plan toward self-...
El Concilio California is one of the contracted case management agencies for the CalWORKs program. Located at three sites throughout San Joaquin County, El Concilio provides case management services to CalWORKs participants that include, but are not limited to, referrals to community agencies, supportive services such as child care, transportation, book vouchers, etc.CalWORKs Case Management sites:1330 South Ham Lane, Lodi (209) 370-63001215 West Center Street, Suite 105 Manteca (209) 249-21109...
FamilyWORKs (previously known as CalHEPP Program) is helping to build stronger families through virtual and in-person home visiting. Supports families by getting kids ready to succeed in school, providing helpful information and activities for you and your child to enjoy with items you may already have in your home, connecting parents with community resources and helping with online searching and applying for jobs.
Family Resource Center is a non-profit organization that focus on quality childcare services for all parents, childcare providers, and children of San Joaquin County and the surrounding areas and providing child development and parenting education, nutrition classes, and health and safety training.Services include:Childcare assistanceChildcare referrals First 5 ProgramsPreschool ProgramInformation and training for individuals interested in becoming licensed family childcare providersWorkshops an...
Family Resource Center, contracted by the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency, provides case management services to CalWORKs participants, including supportive services such as childcare, transportation and cost of books are offered to clients in order to participate in required activities. Clients are assisted in the process of becoming self-sufficient.
FamilyWORKs provides a home visitation program that matches families with trained professionals who conduct personal home visits. The program includes supporting the Raising a Reader family literacy program, child developmental screenings, and health insurance screenings. Services provided by Parent Coaches. Uses the Parent as Teacher (PAT) curriculum.The program includes:Preparation for child success in schoolParents support group meetings and community resourcesJobs searching toolsParticipants...
Rite of Passage California Foster Families is a private non-profit foster family agency licensed by the State of California to recruit, train and provide extensive services to foster/resource family homes. Their goal is provide safe, ethical and loving homes for foster youth ages infant to 17 years. They provide 24-hours per day, 7 days per week emergency support along with weekly home visits by a social worker with a master's degree. In-home training for families is offered and reimbursement ...
CalWORKs Employment Services is responsible for the administration and delivery of services to families receiving CalWORKs Cash Aid. These services include: payment of supportive servicescase managementemployment and trainingbehavioral wellnesssubstance abuse and domestic violence counseling and treatmentjob placement and retention assistancepurchase of booksuniforms, tools and clothing needed to obtain/retain employmenttransportation assistanceDiaper assistance and payment of child care is al...
San Joaquin County Human Services Agency is the community's provider of those services essential to the well-being of county residents. While all of the programs are locally administered, most are federally and/or state-funded. Their mission is to lead in the creation and delivery of services that improve the quality of life for the community. Human Services Agency provides a variety of programs and services locally. These programs include: CalWORKsCalFreshMedi-CalAging and Adult ServicesChi...
San Joaquin County WorkNet provides the work experience and community service activities to clients referred through the CalWORKs Program of the Human Services Agency; in order to comply with the mandated program and explore job opportunities at WorkNet's One Stop Centers.Note: During the summer, WorkNet may also be contracted by Human Services Agency to run a Summer Youth Employment and Training Program. Outreach is conducted county-wide to promote this program to all TANF households....
San Joaquin Delta College CalWORKs program’s mission is to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals. Following is a description of the services they offer:Intake: They assist students with admission applications and provide an overview of Delta College CalWORKs services.Needs Assessment: They provide initial and ongoing resource referrals. Students are given the most current edition of the CalWORKs Community Connections Resource Directory. Various workshops aimed at prepa...
San Joaquin Delta College CalWORKs Assessment is contracted by the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency to conduct assessments of individuals receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and participating in the San Joaquin County CalWORKs Program. The assessments help determine an individual's career interests, skills, cognitive abilities and facilitate his or her career and job planning. CalWORKs Assessment also provides learning disability evaluations by referral.
Wellness WORKs! is a center that provides wellness classes and activities to the San Joaquin County CalWORKs population. The Wellness WORKs! program teaches participants the tools needed to become a healthier and productive person in both the home and the workplace.The One Week program may be used for CalWORKs participants that have been identified by their case managers as having the following barriers or needs:Frequent employment losses (firing or quits) Prerequisite for participants without ...